🗝️Keyword Research

To draw traffic from search engines effectively, it's crucial to target topics and queries that your audience is actively searching for.

Keyword research serves as the cornerstone of the content creation process, underpinning the development of a strategy that resonates with users' needs and interests. Neuraltext streamlines this pivotal step by enabling you to uncover new, relevant keywords and efficiently organize them into a coherent, actionable content plan in mere minutes.

The Keyword Report feature of Neuraltext offers a detailed overview of popular variations on your initial seed keyword, complete with insights on search volume, trends, and competitive difficulty.

This comprehensive approach ensures you can identify and prioritize the best opportunities for your content to attract and engage your target audience.

Here's a breakdown of the key metrics you'll encounter in the report, designed to guide your keyword strategy:

  • Search Term: Represents popular search queries directly sourced from Google, offering variations on your initial seed keyword.

  • Intent: The goal of a search query in a search engine.

  • Trend Line: Displays a graph depicting the keyword's popularity over the past 12 months, giving you insight into its temporal relevance.

  • SERP Features: Enumerates non-traditional search result elements (e.g., videos, local packs) that appear on Google's search results page for a given keyword.

  • Average Volume: Provides an estimated monthly search volume for each keyword on Google, indicating potential traffic.

  • Keyword Difficulty: Offers a score to gauge how challenging it would be to land in the top 10 organic search results for a particular keyword. The scale runs from 0 (easy) to 100 (extremely hard), helping you assess the effort required for ranking success.

  • Cost-per-Click: The average cost in USD paid by advertisers for a click on an ad linked to that specific keyword.

These metrics equip you with the necessary insights to evaluate the viability and strategic value of targeting specific keywords in your content efforts.

Keyword Discovery: Performing Keyword Research

Effective keyword research is foundational to any successful SEO and content strategy. Neuraltext's Keyword Discovery tool empowers you to uncover valuable keywords and phrases that can drive traffic and engagement. This tutorial will guide you through the process of performing keyword research using Neuraltext.

Step 1: Accessing Keyword Discovery

  • Log in to your Neuraltext dashboard.

  • Navigate to the Discovery tool, under the Keyword Research section in the main menu.

Step 2: Initiating Keyword Research

  • In the Keyword Discovery interface, you'll find a search bar labeled Enter seed keyword.

  • Type in your seed keyword—a broad term related to your content or product. For example, if you're in the fitness industry, you might start with "workout routines".

  • Select any additional parameters if available, such as language or country, to tailor your research to specific markets.

  • Click on the Run button to initiate the research process.

Step 3: Refining Your Search

  • Use the filters to narrow down the list based on criteria like search volume, difficulty, or keyword length. This can help you identify the most promising keywords for your strategy.

  • Consider the intent behind each keyword. Is it informational, navigational, commercial, or transactional? Select keywords that align with your content goals.

Step 4: Exporting Keywords

  • Once you've identified a list of target keywords, you can usually export this data from Neuraltext. Look for the Export button on the top right corner.

  • Save the list for further analysis, content planning, or to share with your team.

Step 5: Bulk SERP Analysis or Cluster

  • You can select as many keywords as you want and then head to the top right corner, click on Move to and choose if you want to create in bulk a SERP Analysis (Content Brief) for each keyword, or send these keywords to the Keyword Clustering Algorithm, to obtain an editorial plan in minutes!

Best Practices

  • Regularly Update Your Research: Search trends can change rapidly. Regular keyword research ensures your content remains relevant and competitive.

  • Balance Between Volume and Difficulty: Don't just target high-volume keywords; consider lower-competition keywords that can yield quick wins and targeted traffic.

  • Consider Long-Tail Keywords: These often have lower search volume but higher conversion rates due to their specific nature.

By following these steps and utilizing Neuraltext's Keyword Discovery tool, you can significantly enhance your SEO and content strategies with data-driven keyword insights. This process not only helps in attracting more organic traffic but also in aligning your content more closely with your audience's needs and search behaviors.

Why I don’t get search volume for some keywords?

To get search volumes, NeuralText uses data from Google Ads (like every SEO tool out of there).

But unfortunately, Google does not provide data for things they consider could be illegal, tricky, vague or adult. Here is their complete ads policy ,

Some of the categories involved:

  • Crypto

  • Drugs

  • Adult content

  • Counterfeit goods

  • Political content

  • Paintball and real guns

Last updated