Usage quotas
SERP Analysis
For every SERP Analysis, you will spend one credit. Blank documents are instead free of charge.
Keyword DIscovery
A keyword research report will cost you as many credits as the number of keywords generated in the report.
Keyword Clusters
For each keyword in the CSV file you upload to the clustering tool, you will spend a credit. You can also top up Keyword Cluster credits by clicking on the Buy more credits button.
Generated AI Words
Every time you generate text using AI, you will spend an amount of credits equal to the number of generated words in the output.
When using AI Prompts, you can choose whether to generate from a minimum of 1 output to a maximum of 10 outputs.
Google Search Console Connected Properties
This is the number of Google Search Console web properties connected to your projects.
This is the number of members in your team, including your account.
Common questions
Last updated
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